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तुम्ही स्पर्धा परीक्षे साठी महत्वाचे फुल फॉर्म शोधत आहात.
मग तुम्ही योग्य ठिकाणी आहात.
Full Form of Important Words for General Knowledge / सामान्य ज्ञानासाठी महत्त्वाच्या शब्दाचे पूर्ण रूप:-
अ क्र | शॉर्ट फॉर्म | फुल फॉर्म |
1 | D V D | Digital Versatile Disc |
2 | P D F | Portable Document Format |
3 | N E F T | National Electronic Fund Transfer |
4 | M I C R | Magnetic Inc Character Recognition |
5 | I F S C | Indian Financial System Code |
6 | I S P | Internet Service Provider |
7 | E C S | Electronic Clearing System |
8 | C S T | Central Sales Tax |
9 | C R R | Cash Reserve Ratio |
10 | U D P | User Datagram Protocol |
11 | R T C | Real Time Clock |
12 | I P | Internet Protocol |
13 | C A G | Comptroller and Auditor General |
14 | F E R A | Foreign Exchange Regulation Act |
15 | I S R O | Indian Space Research organization |
6 | I S D N | Integrated Services Digital Network |
17 | S A A R C | South Asian Association for Regional co –operation |
18 | O M R | Optical Mark Recognition |
19 | A H R L | Asian Human Right Commission |
20 | J P E G | Joint Photo Expert Group |
21 | U. R. L. | Uniform Resource Locator |
22 | I R D P | Integrated Rural Development programme |
23 | A S L V | Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle |
24 | I C U | Intensive Care Unit |
25 | A T M | Automated Teller Machine |
26 | C T S | Cheque Transaction System |
27 | C T R | Cash Transaction Receipt |
28 | N E F T | National Electronic Funds Transfer |
29 | G D P | Gross Domestic Product |
30 | F D I | Foreign Direct Investment |
31 | E P F O | Employees Provident Fund Organization |
32 | C R R | Cash Reserve Ratio |
33 | C F R A | Combined Finance & Revenue Accounts |
34 | G P F | General Provident Fund |
35 | G M T | Global Mean Time |
36 | G P S | Global Positioning System |
37 | G N P | Gross National Product |
38 | S E U | Slightly Enriched Uranium |
39 | G S T | Goods and ServiceTax |
40 | Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth | |
41 | YAHOO | Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle |
42 | WINDOW | Wide Interactive Network Development forOffice work Solution |
43 | COMPUTER | Common Oriented Machine Particularly United and used under Technical and Educational Research |
44 | VIRUS | Vital Information Resources Under Siege |
45 | U M T S | Universal Mobile Telecommunications System |
46 | AMOLED | Active-Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode |
47 | O L E D | Organic Light-Emitting Diode |
48 | I M E I | International Mobile EquipmentIdentity |
49 | E S N | Electronic Serial Numbers |
50 | H T M L | Hyper Text Mark up Language |
51 | N C R | National Capital Region |
52 | P C S | Provincial Civil Service |
53 | T D S | Tax Deducted At Source |
54 | C I D | Crime Investigation Department |
55 | T R P | Television Rating Point |
56 | A M | Anti Meridiem |
57 | P M | Post Meridiem |
58 | D P | Display Picture |
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- Nelson Mandela
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